

Last updated: 14-04-2014

Lead Vocals, Guitar: Alan Dunn

Guitar: Graham Monty Whitehead

Guitar: Roy Bruder

Bass: Peter Samson

Drums: Jem Bensley


Yarmouth born Jem Bensley had followed the Lowestoft Rock’n’roll scene as a teenager quoting Barry Sherwood & his Foresters as one of the groups he would go and watch. He learnt to play drums in 1963 at the boys brigade but did not put his forte into practice until early 1969


The group only lasted around 6 months but did play the opening night of the new arts Lab in Cobholm and then later that year their summer ball. "Monty lived on Alpha Road in Southtown anyone who was interested in playing went round to Monty's, it was an open house. Things were a bit tight in those days, we would rehearse at Monty's and from there we took the number 8 bus to the arts school." laughs Jem


A change in line-up saw Jem and Roy form short lived Kustav Mahler but did team back up with Alan again in the early seventies with the group Rock Of Ages


(Bruder - ??) <>  Kustav Mahler